Thursday, August 15, 2019

Centered Approach Essay

Family-Centered Approach ECE 313 Collaboration with Parents & Community Kathleen Thomas October 10, 2011 Instructor Cindy Hopper The economy has hit an all time low and has caused two parent households and single parent households into the workforce. As a result of this the parents are looking for childcare centers for their children. The main concern of these parents is will the centers help with the behavior and development of their children. These parents are looking for a place that is going to help with the development of their children’s self-help skills, empowerment, pro-social skills, self-esteem and attachment. These are behaviors that are not easily controlled and because the children spend the majority of their time in the centers the parents are hoping that together they can help develop desired behavior. That is why they are looking for a center that uses the family-centered approach. As the educator you have to develop a relationship with the children and their parents, the parents have to feel that they are going to be involved in everything that goes on in the center and that concerns their child. The educator has to sit down and learn about the child from the parent so that the educator will know what the parent expects from the educator and the center. The educator has to spend time with the child so that they can start to form a relationship. Family-centered has been defined as: Focus on the children within their families. The program includes the family as an integral, inseparable, part of the children’s education and socialization. Families along with their children are the program. (Gonzalez-Mena) p. . It is very important to acknowledge the children within their families because this way, you remember that you can not do anything without involving both of them. It is important that the educators know what the parents expectations are, Teaching children desired behavior may not be easy even when the educator and the parent are using the same methods. Potty training may require the educator and the parent using the same procedure which might be putting the child on the potty several times a day. If either of them changes the procedure this might cause the child to become confused and it may take longer to train her. To encourage desired behavior from children, parents and teachers need to have a strong relationship with the children. A warm affectionate bond and a positive emotional tone in the home and center will convince the children that their teachers and parents are on the same team and promote a spirit of cooperation and understanding. (Neifert, Marianne, MD) Helping a child develop self-esteem takes a lot of work because you can not do it by saying things that are not realistic. You can not say you are the prettiest girl in the world and think that this will help her self-esteem, as a parent you have to promote self assurances, self-help, competence and being â€Å"special. † Self-esteem rises if the individual is proud to perceive herself as being in possession of these traits. (Gonzalez-Mena) p. 205. Self-esteem has four dimensions: significance, competence, power and virtue. Teaching a child about self-esteem would be difficult because hopefully the child would feel loved and cared for by her parents and she would need to feel that you loved and cared for her too. However, if the child did not feel that she was important this is not something that you can make happen. You can try by showing her that you do care about her and that she is important. You could compliment her when she has achieved a goal that was set for her but you should not over praise her. To promote self-esteem you should never have a critical attitude, label a child or use name calling. Use encouragement instead of always praising them. When they have done something better than the last time make a comparison about how much better it was this time. Never compare your child’s performance to another child’s. Children will fail at some of the things that they try to do but this will be an experience for them. Have realistic expectations; be certain that your expectations for the children’s behavior match their age and developmental abilities. You have to be prepared to show them what it is that you want them to do. Practice the skills with them so that they will be able to do them alone. It is not impossible for a two year old to put on their coats but this two year old might not be ready, you will have to practice this over and over until the child is able to do it themselves. Competence, power and virtue are a part of self-esteem and these things might be easier to teach, being competent means that you have skills that you are very good at. If you were doing these skills on a daily basis you would someday be extremely good at that skill. Power is believing that you are in charge of something other than the paper clips and that you have control over the things that happen in your life. Virtue is being a good person and knowing right from wrong. Educators can take these four dimensions and use them to help a child learn how to feel good about themselves. Teaching pro-social skills you can model the children yourself, you have to set limits and tell them why you are setting the limits. The reason is because you don’t want them to get hurt. Have children work and play together so that they will cooperate better. When children are involved in a conflict it is your responsibility to resolve it with a solving approach. Always avoid punishment as a way of discipline. There are other things that you can do when trying to teach pro-social skills; as an educator you should sincerely acknowledge children’s pro-social behavior by recognizing when they are doing things together (ex: two children have started cleaning up the art area) your response could be â€Å"that is real cooperation†. You should explain reasons for rules and help the children understand the effects of their behavior on others. This type of inductive discipline seems to encourage child to be kind and helpful. (Berman, K. L. , M. M. Torres, C. E. Domitrovich, J. A. An educator can encourage good behavior by using a reward system. Choose a behavior you would like to change. There might be a child in your classroom who will not sit still in his seat; you can tell him that if he sits still that you will reward him for staying in his seat. You can tell him that he has to earn five tokens by staying in his seat when you are teaching the class and that five tokens will get him ice cream at lunchtime. It does not have to be tokens; you might have a chart with everyone’s name on it and at the end of the week if they have receive a star for everyday they will receive extra cookies at snack time. Share your reward system with the parents and see if that helps them out with behavior problems at home.

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